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Community Based Wrap Around Services


These photos from our annual Toys from Tots events. Each family also received a CARE Packet.

We always ask permission before taking photos of our families, and sharing them via social media.

Social Media is an excellent tool for HCSC to demonstrate our progress to friends of HCSC and stakeholders ---but also to our funders.

We are thankful to everyone that supports, funds, collaborates, and partners with HCSC.

Financially via COVID-19, we had an increase of families in need of toys for children this year.

HCSC is thankful that we were able to provide toys for so many families in our service areas.

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Community Based Services Integrated System of Care


Programs with the System of Care Network at the Harvard Community Services Center include Foster Adoption Support Services, Kinship Care Support Services and Tapestry.


Foster Adoption Support Services, and Kinship Care Support Services target adults caring for their grandchild, nieces or nephews,

brothers or sisters, or other minor age relatives.

For more information on the monthly Kinship Caregiver Meetings click here.


For more information on the monthly Neighborhood Collab Meetings click here.

For more information, please (216) 991-8585 ext. 3110.

Are you having trouble paying rent due to COVID-19?

This lifeline, funded by the City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County, can help.

Community Based Services-Wrap-Around Services


If the family needs a more intensive service:


High-Fidelity Wraparound – Cuyahoga System of Care takes a family-centered, team approach to serving children with multiple needs.  Rather than look at what is “wrong” with a family, the family and team look at the family’s strengths and take action based on those strengths. 


It is a process that respects children, parents, caregivers and families, and is sensitive to the family’s culture, language and community.  It also values the importance of social networks, “natural” supports, the faith community and neighborhoods.

For more information on what the Community Based Program can do for you, click here.


For more information, please call (216) 991-8585.

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